Helpful Tips from Northern Pest

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Mouse Invasion

The falling temperatures of October drive rodents indoors seeking warmth. What should you know about mouse control going into the autumn? Getting a Handle on a Mouse Problem The best way to get on top of a mouse problem is by use of our tamper-resistant bait stations. A combination of interior and exterior bait stations…

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insulation inspection

Lower Heating Costs by Reducing Drafts

You might know us for removing critters from your home, but did you know we can also help with lowering home energy costs? From reducing drafts, repairing insulation, and performing a thorough energy audit, Northern Pest has you covered. Skyrocketing Heating Bills? Lower outside temperatures often mean higher heating expenses. Northern Pest has decades of…

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Use Your Bird Seed Wisely

One of the easiest ways to deter unwanted wildlife from getting into your home is to get bird feeders away from the house. We love the birds, but the hard truth is that the bird seed people put in their feeders attracts all sorts of critters, from raccoons to deer to squirrels and mice. Birds…

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Mold Remediation

An unwanted animal infestation in your wall or attic can bring a lot of headaches. Besides the removal of the animal itself, homeowners often have to contend with cleaning up after the mess the animal made. Raccoons, squirrels, mice, and especially bats can destroy insulation and wreak havoc in your attic. How Animal Problems Become…

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How to carry a snapping turtle

The Proper Way to Help A Turtle Across the Road

A common act of charity on Michigan roads is the occasional stop to help a turtle cross the street so it doesn’t become a road pancake. This is easy enough when the turtle is a small painted box  turtle, but it can get a little sketchy when it is a very large, mature snapping turtle….

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Mouse in the wall

How to Tell If the Noises I’m Hearing are Rodents?

Homeowners know that a house makes lots of sounds—anything from the siding expanding in the summer, to attic beams contracting in cooler air, to the mysterious creaking sound of “the house settling”. There are, however, some sounds that are absolutely anxiety-inducing for any homeowner: the sounds of rodents in the house. Perhaps you have heard…

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